Experienced OPL Jungler to join the team
We are excited to announce the signing of Jordan “Praelus” Fernandes as our Jungler for the new OPL team.
Praelus on joining the new OPL team: “I’m looking forward to grow as a player and person alongside each of my talented teammates”
Sean Callanan on signing Fernandes: “Jordan has shown great commitment to improve himself both in game and out of game. Hard workers will be rewarded in our team and I expect Jordan to do his best to outwork every Jungler in the OPL.”
“Praelus is a player I see immense potential in. He has had a tough road coming in mid way through splits and having to adapt very quickly. I know Praelus can really have a breakout year this year with a secure team and environment in which he can thrive off.” said Brandon “Juves” Defina on what Praelus can deliver to the team.
Watch out and support Praelus and the rest of the new OPL team coming soon.
You can connect with Praelus on Twitter @PraelusOCE.