Game 1 – Avant Gaming Straight into champion select Avant Gaming came in with a plan and did not hesitate with any of their first three bans, Avant removed Yasuo, Irelia and Yuumi. It was proving quite difficult for us to draft against Avant Gaming with their roster swaps but we opted for the Sylas,...Read More
Game 1 – Bombers Breaking their loss streak in the second split, the Gravitas boys were on a high. After a week’s worth of scrims they felt prepared to square up against the Bombers. With their opponents banning both Sejuani and Yuumi, the boys needed to rethink their winning strategy and prioritise an Irelia for...Read More
Game 1 – Avant Gaming Straight into the action our boys start off the first day of the second OPL split against Avant Gaming. In champ select our opponents prioritised Sejuani for Sybol in the jungle, our response? Pick up Irelia for the flex and Yuumi for Decoy. The beauty of this Irelia flex pick...Read More