Game 1 – Bombers Our Friday night clash was against a surging Bombers. Straight into champion select and without any hesitation Bombers banned Yasuo followed by our Xayah. Qiyana was next to go likewise with Karma from us. Renekton was the final of the 3 bans from Bombers as the boys did not want to...Read More
Game 1 – Bombers Breaking their loss streak in the second split, the Gravitas boys were on a high. After a week’s worth of scrims they felt prepared to square up against the Bombers. With their opponents banning both Sejuani and Yuumi, the boys needed to rethink their winning strategy and prioritise an Irelia for...Read More
Game 1 – Bombers Our first game of super week was against the high-flying Bombers, and an upset win here would do wonders for our playoff hopes. Pabu went a little unconventional with a Neeko pick, and Praelus and Haeri would try and help him scale up with Jarvan IV and Syndra respectively. Raid and...Read More
Game 1 – Legacy As we started to reach the business end of the season, every win counted and a matchup against Legacy would be vital in keeping in touch with those at the front of the pack. Pabu picked up Sylas again in the draft, and was complemented by Praelus’ Sejuani and Haeri’s Zoe....Read More
Another 1-1 week kept us only one game behind Avant, the Chiefs and the Bombers at the top of the OPL table, but with our upcoming games against the latter two, this week would be a huge test for our fledgling side, the biggest yet for Gravitas in the OPL. Game 1 – Chiefs The...Read More